The Alchemy of Being Out in Nature

I believe there is alchemy taking place when we are out in nature. Alchemy is defined as ‘a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation or combination of both’. This says to me what can happen when we let go and put our trust in nature. Nature is all around us and by taking the time to immerse ourselves in its energies, we can open up to a whole new world of possibility and experience.

We are able to nurture ourselves when out in nature. Being outdoors can help you to de-stress and relax. You can feel calm and less anxious by becoming mindful and in the moment. In my experience the natural energies have a healing effect by informing and transforming our whole being – be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. By connecting with the energies in the natural space around us, we can reconnect with our true self on a much deeper level.

I believe getting back in touch with nature is central to our evolution and I encourage everyone to spend time with and care for, our beautiful Earth and all living things.

If you feel called to connect with the energies and alchemy of being out in nature and outdoors, you may like to try any of the sessions taking place out in nature.

“Judith’s gentle approach and her wisdom and teachings have helped me to explore and feel the connection and the spiritual love I have for the natural world. It has also deepened my understanding and appreciation of how this has shaped different cultures and beliefs through the centuries and that some of the teachings and wisdom Judith has helped me to see and feel, are vitally important now and in the future.”

CG, Surrey

Please note that these Out in Nature sessions and courses mostly take place in and around the Dorking, Surrey area. Due to the local landscape they may involve walking on uneven and hilly terrain.